What’s been happening in March…


Have questions for The Homelab ? Submit your questions to info@thehomelab.ca.

view more Q&A’s

Q+A - What do you think makes a neighbourhood feel great ?

Q+A - Do you have any favourite local events ?

Q+A - What’s the difference between a strata and a bare land strata?

Thinking Of Selling ?

We’re happy to be your first or second opinion. Contact us to arrange a casual no-obligation walk through of your property to discuss the market, and how we feel you could prepare and position your property for the best sales results.

Vancouver Island Real Estate

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Great Properties

We work with Sellers that care about how about how their property feels, or the greater potential their property has. As you explore our listings we hope you are able to get a sense of both the larger things and little details that make these properties great.

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We collaborate with Builders and Developers whose aim is to create thoughtful homes and an elevated living experience for homeowners. Together with C.A. Design we’ve shared in creating some of the most memorable neighbourhoods on Vancouver Island.

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Realtors are just people. People with different personalities, different backgrounds, different experiences, and different areas of expertise. Finding a Realtor that’s right for your needs should start with a meaningful conversation. Reach out to introduce yourself and see if we’re a fit.

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